and artists and all of your help in the 3 years
of APT we were able to raise over $60,000!
100% of the proceeds were donated
to the art programs of our partner schools.

their venues and talents at no cost, so please
support them anytime you can in their efforts
creating the outstanding music scene
we have in Milwaukee.

as an answer to the defunding of art and music
programming in schools, and is 100%
volunteer run.

Arte Para Todos mission. See below
for opportunities to help arts programs
and students in Milwaukee.
We have to do this together!
APT Festival 2018
Milwaukee's largest local music event is done for 2018 - Thanks to all who make it possible and all those who came out to support!
We're always looking to connect with local artists and supporters: Volunteers, Art Teachers, Musicians, Visual Artists that want to join us please contact us!
About APT
Arte Para Todos is an all volunteer driven organization working to support art education in Milwaukee schools while celebrating local artists, musicians, venues and the community.
About Us
APT is a volunteer-run not-for-profit organization that works to connect artists, musicians and the community in support of local school art programs. All funds raised are donated directly to our partner schools.
Arte Para Todos (art for everyone) was conceived as an answer to the defunding of art and music programming in schools, but it also serves as a replicable model of sustainable service to the community. We will always have the city we ask for, either explicitly or through apathy and inaction. Arte Para Todos is based on the idea that culture is an act of will, and that if we want a healthy, vibrant city where the arts can flourish then we have to act on that desire.
In its first three years, the annual arts fundraiser Arte Para Todos has raised over $60,000 with 100% of proceeds going to support art programs in Milwaukee schools! APT has brought together 100’s of different artists and musical acts in over 40 venues in various Milwaukee neighborhoods, providing an incredibly rich cultural experience to the city while investing in our creative future.
APT will continue to produce and execute Milwaukee’s largest local music celebration and raise funds and awareness for our school’s art programs.
APT Partner Stories
Every year we select partners to support with the funds raised from the festival and other APT events. We mainly focus on Milwaukee schools’ art programs, but are open to supporting art and music education in all it’s forms throughout the city.
Tamarack Waldorf High School
One of our recipients in 2015, we were very happy to work with the fine folks at Tamarack Waldorf. WIth the $7,000+ APT donated, they have been able to do a mural project as well as install a blacksmithing lab for students to learn the ancient art of metalwork, instructed by Kent Knapp of Milwaukee Blacksmith. Thanks to local filmmaker Wes Tank for putting together a documentary on the newly obtained workshop.
La Escuela Fratney
Another 2015 recipient out of Milwaukee’s Riverwest Neighborhood, La Escuela Fratney, has been able to use APT funds to add art-culture to the school’s atmosphere as well as construct group art projects for the students to participate in. Projects there are ongoing and we will update when new projects arise.
2017 Wrap-Up
In late April, the third annual Arte Para Todos benefit festival spanned throughout 22 venues in 5 Milwaukee neighborhoods over 4 days. 90 musical acts and 20 visual artists performed, all donating their time and talents to support art programs in Milwaukee schools. Arte Para Todos 2017 raised $21,410. Being 100% volunteer-based, all of this money will go to support the following:
$10,000 of the funds will go to the MPS Foundation. This money will be used to support the Turnaround Arts programming at Roosevelt Middle School and Dr. MLK Jr. Elementary School. The funding will be used at these Turnaround Arts schools for their 2018 school musicals. With this donation, the schools will more easily be able to afford supplies, contracted support service, after school transportation for cast and crew for rehearsals, printed materials, and related field trips for inspiration. APT team members were lucky enough to attend these schools’ incredible 2017 musicals and see how they affected students. We are excited to see more in the future.
A donation of $6,000 will go to Milwaukee High School of the Arts (MHSA) to buy equipment for a Digital Arts Workshop class under the supervision of Art Instructor Carolyn Hoelzer. Funds will go to purchasing tripods, sound recorders and DSLR cameras. MHSA students will then be working with the Veterans Affairs hospital and Dry Hootch, getting to know veterans during several visits over three months time. Initially, they will research veteran’s issues and listen as they tell their personal stories. This will culminate in students using photography and sound to create a multimedia portrait, which they will eventually present to the veterans as a gift.
$3,000 will be donated to Alexander Mitchell Integrated Arts School to partner with Jazale’s Art Studio to produce a music and art-making program. Under the supervision of Nora Justin and Mikal Floyd-Pruitt, this will include a series of workshops and studio visits carried out by professional artists. The program will culminate in a joint-exhibition featuring student-made works, collaborations between students and Jazale’s Artists-in-residence, pieces the artists make in reaction to themes presented by students, and interactive installations where students and Artists-in-residence lead community members through a live artmaking experience. The exhibition will be open to students, family, community members, and the city’s art community.
The remaining $2,410 will be donated to special education art programs at Milwaukee High School of Arts through DonorsChoose.org.
Contact Us
If you have questions, comments, and/or would like to get involved with the APT Movement please feel free to email us at [email protected] and/or find more info below...
We need your help! Working volunteers will receive a pass for the 2018 APT Festival. Scheduled volunteers will work at 1 venue (per selected night) from door open to the beginning of the headline act, usually 6pm-11pm (can be later). Two volunteers will be assigned per location.
Band Submit
Please note: APT 2018 is fully booked.
We are so happy to live in a city where so many bands are willing to give their time to help school art programs! If you’d be interested in performing at a venue for APT 2018 please link to the form below. Participating bands do not receive payment, but each band member will receive a pass to the festival. All submissions will be considered but we cannot guarantee that we will have enough spots for all bands that submit.
Art/Music Supply Drive
Help us collect supplies for arts programs at our schools! All donations will be delivered to our partner schools in May and will be put to good, creative use.
Collection Points: Friday 4/27 – Enlightened Brewery 4-7pm, Saturday 4/28 – Black Husky 5-7pm, Thursday, Friday & Saturday 4/26-4/28 – Redline Milwaukee 10am-3pm
Arte Para Todos is in need of the following items: Drawing Paper, Paint, Paint brushes, Pencils, Erasers, Spray Adhesives, Linen Tape, Instrument strings, Instrument reeds, Drum sticks, Bow Rosin, Cameras, Photography lights, Mat board, Frames, Blank Canvas, etc.
We’re also accepting musical instruments and equipment (new and used) to be used in the classroom or repurposed as a monetary donation to the schools.
If you’d like to donate an item that requires a pick up, and for any other questions or concerns, please email Mark Yencheske